Weekly Announcements
The latest announcements for upcoming activities, events, and ways to be involved!
Crafter Connection: Saturday, March 15th
Join us for a day of creativity and camaraderie at our Crafter Connection! On Saturday, March 15th, from 9:00am to 3:00pm, we invite you to bring your crafting projects and enjoy the company of fellow
enthusiasts. Whether you're a seasoned seamstress, a crochet connoisseur, or a knitting kin, there's a place for you! If you're looking for a project, we'd love your help cutting out dress patterns for little girls. Bring your sewing machine, crochet hooks, knitting needles, or scissors, and let's create together. Pack a lunch and stay for the whole day or drop in for a few hours. We look forward to crafting with you!
Religion 101: Tuesdays at 6:00pm
Do you know anyone who has questions on the doctrines of the Bible? Do you know anyone who
wishes to learn more of the teachings of our Church? Do you wish to review the basic teachings of Scripture? Please join us on Tuesday evenings at 6:00pm as we learn more about the teachings of the Bible. See you this coming Tuesday.
GriefShare: Wednesdays at 6:30pm
When a loved one dies, it can feel like you are alone. Few people understand how painful and isolating your grief can be. But that does not mean you have to suffer by yourself. At GriefShare, you will find a safe, comforting place where you can talk with others about your grief. GriefShare sessions are held on Wednesday evenings 6:30-8:00pm. Please join us as together we journey through our grief recovery.
Help for the Homeless Hygiene Drive
The annual Help for the Homeless Hygiene Drive is being held February 23rd–March 16th . It has been held for the last 30 years and has raised over 6 million dollars in hygiene and cleaning products for
those in need in our state. All of the products collected in our community will be kept in our community. A variety of products are needed, and a list of those is posted on the collection box located next to the counter in the fellowship area.
Living Water Sprouts
Living Water Sprouts is our new ministry designed especially for families with children aged 0-5 years old. Just as little plants grow strong near streams of living water, our prayer is that Sprouts will help nurture your child's faith and support you as you teach them the truths of the Bible. Each family will receive a Children's Bible, and every Sunday you can receive a new interactive activity to do with your children at home. You will find the Living Water Sprouts table in the Fellowship area on Sundays, where Sara Isom and Vicki Schneider will provide you with your next activity!
Fellowship Team
If you are interested in joining the Fellowship Team, to help plan activities periodically throughout the year, please call the church office or contact Pastor Dorn.
Watch Services Online!
Each week our worship is recorded! Generally, the 9:00am Sunday services and select special services will be live streamed, and then available to be watched any time you'd like! Simply go to the "Services" section on our website, or to Living Water's Youtube channel at: www.youtube.com/@livingwaterlutheranchurch-1176.
Bible Class: Wednesdays at 9:00am
Our Wednesday morning Bible Class is currently studying the book of James. We thank Pastor Behnke for leading this study. All members of the Congregation are invited to attend at 9:00am on Wednesdays! CLICK HERE TO JOIN VIA ZOOM.
If you are unable to join us then, the same Bible Class is offered at Immanuel Congregation (338 N Eagle St, Oshkosh) on Tuesday mornings at 9:00am.